Saturday, May 28, 2016


Enjoying the taste of mango? Not only enjoy the taste of mango  but you can also increase your beauty with mango.

  1. Take a table spoon of fully ripen-mango pulp and add table spoon of multani matti and make it into paste. Apply it on the face as a face pack and leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
  2. Take 2 almond nuts and soak them in water and make them into paste and add it in to 2 table spoon of mango pulp and make it into paste. Add 1 table spoon of oatmill powder into the paste that we have prepared before and apply it on the face as face pack.
  3. Take a table spoon of rose water, curd, multani matti and mix them with 2 table spoon of mango pulp and make it into paste apply it on the face and wash off 30 minutes with warm water.
  4. Take a table spoon of honey and mix it with big table spoon of mango pulp and make it into paste. apply it on the face as face pack and wash off after 10 minutes with cold water. 

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