- When suffuring form cold, fever and cough, if your eat 4 basil leaves you will have instant relief . If not take a glass of water and add some basil leaves and warm the water for some time after some and by drinking the warm water will help you to fight against the infections in your body. When you are facing unbearable cough take a glass of water and add cloves and basil leaves and warm it. By having them will help you from unbearable cough.
- People having less immunity power are advised to take basil leaves. Antibodies present in basil leaves increases your immunity power. When your are feeling stress, if you eat basil leaves they will release hormones that helps to reduce stress. If your are more prone to stress it is advised to take 10-12 basil leaves.
- By eating basil leaves blood also get purified. It contains vitamin "A", it will improve your vision and anti-oxidants present in them are helpful for heart.
- So many people are facing indigestion problem, then add some honey in basil juice and having it will help you from that. When you are facing head ache have some basil leaves in steaming machine and having it to head will rejuvenate nerves in head region and reduces head-ache. In diabetes people when sugar levels increases in blood, add basil leaves in decoction and having it will reduces sugar levels.
- One of the basil plant’s uses is that its leaves have a strengthening effect on the kidneys. In case of renal stones, the consumption of juice of basil leaves mixed with honey helps remove these stones through the urinary tract. Basil being a detoxifying agent can help to reduce uric acid level which is the main reason behind kidney stones.
- Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness, which is generally caused by lack of Vitamin A. Two drops of basil juice can work wonders for the eyes. It soothes eyes and reduces stress. Also, it can protect from conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of the eyes which are caused mainly due to bacterial and fungal infections by washing eyes with water soaked in basil leaves.
- Basil leaves act as relaxants for your eyes to sooth stress induced fine lines. Chewing a couple of basil leaves helps to ward off eye problems caused by free radicals such as vision degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Basil leaves juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness.
- Chain smokers can try chewing basil leaves to get rid of their addiction. These can be more beneficial than nicotine patches, flavored gum or even plain candy to curb the urge. While the juice has a cooling effect on your throat, the chewing will distract you and the antioxidants will repair the damage caused due to years of smoking.
- This herb also prevents insect stings and bites. A teaspoon of fresh juice should be applied on the affected areas and repeated after a few hours. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches. Apply a paste of basil leaves and roots ground together on the sting of the scorpion. It will completely eliminate the effects of poison. Also in such cases, crushing a few leaves of basil and mixing it with lemon helps too. Apply it on the area of the sting and it will cure the problem. The pain caused by the sting can be reduced by drinking basil juice and also by applying it on the sting.
Nutritional profile
for basil
Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium,
iron, potassium, and calcium.
Nutritional value of basil per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Protein - 3.15 g
Water - 92.06 g
Vitamin A - 264 μg
Thiamine - 0.034 μg
Riboflavin - 0.076 mg
Niacin - 0.902 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.155 μg
Folate - 68 μg
Choline - 11.4 mg
Vitamin C - 18.0 mg
Vitamin E - 0.80 mg
Vitamin K - 414.8 μg
Calcium - 177 mg
Iron - 3.17 mg
Magnesium - 64 mg
Manganese - 1.148 mg
Phosphorus - 56 mg
Potassium - 295 mg
Sodium - 4 mg
Zinc - 0.81 mg
Energy - 94 kJ (22
Carbohydrates - 2.65 g
Dietary fiber - 1.6 g
Fat - 0.64 g
Source: USDA Nutrient Database