Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

The lungs are an essential respiratory organ. Their main function is to transport oxygen from the atmosphere into the bloodstream and to release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. The lungs never rest. In just one day, a healthy person breathes nearly 25,000 times. The body has a natural defence system designed to protect the lungs. This works very well most of the time, keeping out dirt and fighting off germs. However, several harmful substances can damage the airways and threaten the lungs’ ability to work properly, which can lead to lung disease.

Some common lung diseases are asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, lung cancer and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). People with lung disease have difficulty breathing and some diseases can even lead to respiratory failure. There are many things that you can do to keep your lungs functioning properly. Simple lifestyle changes, dietary changes and healthy habits can be highly beneficial for your lungs.
how to make lungs healthy

Here are some of the ways to keep your lungs strong and healthy.

1. Quit Smoking
If you smoke, it is time to quit to improve the condition of your lungs. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of harmful chemicals, some of which can cause health problems. In fact, smoking is the major cause of serious lung diseases like lung cancer and COPD. Cigarette smoke can narrow the air passages and make breathing more difficult. It causes chronic inflammation or swelling in the lungs. With time, cigarette smoke can destroy lung tissues, which in turn increases your risk of lung cancer. If you suffer from any kind of lung disease, giving up smoking can help manage your condition and improve your quality of life. Be determined to quit smoking and get help from professionals if needed.
 2. Avoid Second hand Smoke
Non-smokers must avoid exposure to second hand smoke to improve the condition of their lungs. Second hand smoke is highly toxic and can cause havoc to your lungs and your overall health. 
Here are some things you can do to avoid second hand smoke:
Do not allow other people to smoke in your home, car or workplace.
Support businesses and activities that are smoke-free.
Avoid public places that permit smoking.
Stay at smoke-free hotels when travelling to avoid residual smoke from previous patrons.
3. Limit Your Exposure to Pollutants
In addition to cigarette smoke, there are various other pollutants present in the air that are harmful for your lungs as well as overall health. Even the synthetic fragrances used in various laundry products and air fresheners emit toxic chemicals. Avoid highly polluted and industrialized areas. Do your bit to minimize outdoor pollution and help create a cleaner environment. For example, whenever possible, walk or ride your bicycle instead of driving.
When building or remodelling your house, opt for eco-friendly options like formaldehyde-free cabinetry, linoleum instead of vinyl flooring, low or no VOC paints, etc.
4. Improve Indoor Air
In a late 1980s NASA study, it was found that several houseplants act as natural air purifiers as they filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Use at least 2 houseplants per 100 square feet of space. These plants should be in 10- to 12-inch pots. Get indoor plants such as a fern, spider plant, peace lily, bamboo palm, aloevera, English Ivy, dracaena, and others. Make sure to keep the foliage dust-free. Also, do not overwater the plants as it may lead to mold growth.
Minimize the use of harsh cleaners and cleaners with strong fragrances. Avoid using aerosol sprays. Ensure adequate ventilation.
5. Do Deep Breathing Exercises Daily
Breathing feeds oxygen to every cell in the body. Without sufficient oxygen, people are more prone to lung problems and even heart disease. With regular deep breathing exercises, you can easily strengthen your lungs. It can also help clear out toxins that may have built up in the lungs. This in turn helps improve lung performance and clear airways. Sit down in a relaxing and quiet place. Close your eyes, and breathe in deeply through your nose. Count to five, slowly inhaling the entire time. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat this breathing exercise 6 to 8 times.
Perform this deep breathing exercise on a daily basis to help cleanse your lungs and keep you stress free. If you are not able to master the art of deep breathing, join a breathing club where people with lung and breathing problems can learn about this technique.

6. Play a Wind Instrument
You can play a wind instrument like a flute, oboe, tuba, saxophone, mouth organ or clarinet to improve your lung health. You need to use your lungs’ capacity to the fullest to play any of these instruments. This gives your lungs a regular workout and helps improve their air capacity.

Learn how to play a wind instrument to increase your lung capacity. Also, singing works the diaphragm and keeps your lungs healthy. If music and singing are not for you, try to blow a balloon using deep breaths to increase lung capacity. Blow a few balloons daily to improve your lungs’ ability to pump more air, stronger and longer.

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Eye discharge, or "sleep" in your eyes, is a combination of mucus, oil, skin cells and other debris that accumulates in the corner of your eye while you sleep. It can be wet and sticky or dry and crusty, depending on how much of the liquid in the discharge has evaporated. Other slang terms used to describe eye discharge include eye boogers, eye mattering, eye gunk and eye pus. Sometimes called rheum, eye discharge has a protective function, removing waste products and potentially harmful debris from the tear film and the front surface of your eyes.Eye discharge

Abnormal eye discharge could indicate an eye infection or disease.

Your eyes produce mucus throughout the day, but a continuous thin film of tears bathes your eyes when you blink, flushing out the rheum before it hardens in your eyes.
When you're asleep -and not blinking — eye discharge collects and crusts in the corners of your eyes and sometimes along the lash line, hence the term "sleep in your eyes."
Some sleep in your eyes upon waking is normal, but excessive eye discharge, especially if it's green or yellow in color and accompanied by blurry vision, light sensitivity or eye pain, can indicate a serious eye infection or eye disease and should be promptly examined by your eye doctor.
Where Does Eye Mucus Come From?

Eye discharge is a function of your tear film and a necessary component of good eye health. Eye rheum primarily consists of thin, watery mucus produced by the conjunctiva (called mucin), and meibum — an oily substance secreted by the meibomian glands which helps keep your eyes lubricated between blinks. When not washed away by tears, the accumulated debris, or "mattering," collects in the inner corner of the eye as well as along the lash line.
Causes of Eye Discharge

Sleep in your eyes usually isn't cause for alarm, but if you notice a difference in consistency, color and quantity of eye gunk, it could indicate an eye infection or disease.
Common eye conditions associated with abnormal eye discharge include:
Conjunctivitis: Eye discharge is a common symptom of conjunctivitis (pink eye), an inflammation of the conjunctiva — the thin membrane that lines the "white" of the eye (sclera) and the inner surface of the eyelids.

In addition to itchy, gritty, irritated and red eyes, conjunctivitis typically is accompanied by white, yellow or green eye mucus which can form a crust along the lash line while you sleep. In some cases, eyelid crusting can be so severe that it temporarily seals your eye shut.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


  • When suffuring form cold, fever and cough, if your eat 4 basil leaves you will have instant relief . If not take a glass of water and add some basil leaves and warm the water for some time after some and by drinking the warm water will help you to fight against the infections in your body.  When you are facing unbearable cough take a glass of water and add  cloves and basil leaves and warm it. By having them will help you from unbearable cough.
  • People having less immunity power are advised to take basil leaves. Antibodies  present in basil leaves increases your immunity power.  When your are feeling stress, if you eat basil leaves they will release hormones that helps to reduce stress. If your are more prone to stress it is advised to take 10-12 basil leaves.
  • By eating basil leaves blood also get purified. It contains vitamin "A", it will improve your vision and anti-oxidants present in them are helpful for heart.
  • So many people are facing indigestion problem, then add some honey in basil juice and having it will help you from that. When you are facing head ache have some basil leaves in steaming machine and having it to head will rejuvenate nerves in head region and reduces head-ache. In diabetes people when sugar levels increases in blood, add basil leaves in decoction and having it will reduces sugar levels.
  • One of the basil plant’s uses is that its leaves have a strengthening effect on the kidneys. In case of renal stones, the consumption of juice of basil leaves mixed with honey helps remove these stones through the urinary tract. Basil being a detoxifying agent can help to reduce uric acid level which is the main reason behind kidney stones.
  • Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness, which is generally caused by lack of Vitamin A. Two drops of basil juice can work wonders for the eyes. It soothes eyes and reduces stress. Also, it can protect from conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of the eyes which are caused mainly due to bacterial and fungal infections by washing eyes with water soaked in basil leaves.
  • Basil leaves act as relaxants for your eyes to sooth stress induced fine lines. Chewing a couple of basil leaves helps to ward off eye problems caused by free radicals such as vision degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Basil leaves juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness.
  • Chain smokers can try chewing basil leaves to get rid of their addiction. These can be more beneficial than nicotine patches, flavored gum or even plain candy to curb the urge. While the juice has a cooling effect on your throat, the chewing will distract you and the antioxidants will repair the damage caused due to years of smoking.
  • This herb also prevents insect stings and bites. A teaspoon of fresh juice should be applied on the affected areas and repeated after a few hours. A paste of fresh roots is also effective in case of bites of insects and leeches. Apply a paste of basil leaves and roots ground together on the sting of the scorpion. It will completely eliminate the effects of poison. Also in such cases, crushing a few leaves of basil and mixing it with lemon helps too. Apply it on the area of the sting and it will cure the problem. The pain caused by the sting can be reduced by drinking basil juice and also by applying it on the sting.
Nutritional profile for basil
Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium.

Nutritional value of basil per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Protein - 3.15 g
                      Water - 92.06 g
Vitamin A - 264 μg
Thiamine - 0.034 μg
Riboflavin - 0.076 mg
Niacin - 0.902 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.155 μg
Folate - 68 μg
Choline - 11.4 mg
Vitamin C - 18.0 mg
Vitamin E - 0.80 mg
Vitamin K - 414.8 μg
Calcium - 177 mg
Iron - 3.17 mg
Magnesium - 64 mg
Manganese - 1.148 mg
Phosphorus - 56 mg
Potassium - 295 mg
Sodium - 4 mg
Zinc - 0.81 mg
Energy - 94 kJ (22 kcal)
Carbohydrates - 2.65 g
Dietary fiber - 1.6 g
Fat - 0.64 g

Source: USDA Nutrient Database

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


When compared with height people short people will face more heart problems. The reason behind this is gene problem. In human body 180 genes will be responsible in determining height. In those genes which will responsible for shortness will have LDL cholesterol, triglycerides in higher quantities which will be responsible for blocking of blood vessels. Britain researchers found that for decrease of  every 2.5 inches will have 14% of chances of getting heart attacks. When compared with females it is more in males. But being short is not your fault so don't get disappointed. As we don't have chance to choose our parents, we can choose our health habits. By this we can win against genes. By Having healthy diet, maintaining good weight, reducing the stress, we can keep our health in safe up to 90%. Smoking and having high cholesterol can be more dangerous than being short. Even height people will have heart problems. So without comparing with height those who follow following tips can have healthy heart. 

1. Quit smoking:

If you smoke, you are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack as nonsmokers, and you’re much more likely to die if you do have a heart attack.
2.Improve cholesterol levels:
You're more likely to get heart disease if you have:
Total cholesterol level over 200
HDL ("good") cholesterol level under 40
LDL ("bad") cholesterol level over 160
Triglycerides over 150
Cholesterol isn't the only thing that matters. To help lower cholesterol levels, eat a diet low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined sugars.
3.Control high blood pressure:
More than 50 million people in the U.S. have hypertension, or high blood pressure, making it the most common heart disease risk factor. Exercise and healthy eating help. Some people may need medicine to control their blood pressure, too.
4.Get active:
People who don't exercise are more likely to get heart disease, and die from it, than people who are active. Check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you aren't active now. She can tell you what you can do.
5. Follow a heart-healthy diet:
Eat foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. Just about everyone should eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, and other plant-based foods. The fiber is good for your cholesterol, and you'll get vitamins the natural way, from foods. You can still eat fish (especially salmon or tuna, which are high in good-for-you omega-3 fatty acids), poultry, and meat, but make it lean and keep the portions modest. Also limit salt and sugar. Most people get too much of both.
6. Get to a healthy weight:
Losing extra weight is good for your heart. It can also help you lower high blood pressure and manage diabetes.
7. Control diabetes:
Diabetes makes heart disease more likely. Many people who have diabetes don't know it. Get tested and get treated.
8. Manage stress and anger:
Everyone has stress, and it's normal to get angry now and then. When stress and anger flare up, especially if it happens a lot, that's a problem. Managing your stress and handling your anger in healthy ways puts you back in charge.


A pimple is a small pustule. Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin - they develop when sebaceous glands (oil glands) become clogged and infected, leading to swollen, red lesions filled with pus. Pimples are also known as spots or zits. The development of pimples is primarily connected to oil production, dead skin cells, clogged pores and bacteria (although yeast infection can also cause pimples to develop). Sebaceous glands, which are located at the base of hair follicles, can become overactive due to hormone disregulation, which is why acne is most commonly associated with puberty, and why breakouts occur around the time of menses. The most likely parts of the body to be affected by pimples are the face, back, chest and shoulders due to the proliferation of sebaceous glands in these areas of skin. Pimples are a sign of acne, especially when a breakout occurs. Dermatologists and other experts are increasingly concerned about the long-term use of antibiotics for acne treatment, and its contribution to bacterial resistance. Experts from the Center of Evidence-Based Dermatology at the University of Nottingham, England, wrote in The Lancet that although pharmacies are well stocked with a wide range of acne medications, few studies have been carried out regarding their efficacy.
Sebaceous glands
Diagram of the sebaceous glands
A diagram of the sebaceous glands (image by Open Stax College)
The sebaceous glands are tiny skin glands which secrete sebum - a waxy/oily substance - to lubricate the skin and hair of mammals, including humans.
Sebaceous glands are found all over human skin with the exceptions of the palms and soles. There is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands on the face and scalp. At the rim of the eyelids, Meibomian or tarsal glands are a special kind of sebaceous gland that secrete meibum, a special type of sebum that helps maintain the eye's tear-film by preventing evaporation.
Several medical conditions are linked to an abnormality in sebaceous gland function, including:
  • Acne (pimples).
  • Sebaceous cysts - closed sacs or cysts below the surface of the skin.
  • Hyperplasia - the sebaceous glands become enlarged, producing yellow, shiny bumps on the face.
  • Sebaceous adenoma - a slow-growing tumor (benign, non-cancerous) usually presenting as a pink, flesh-colored, or yellow papule or nodule.
  • Sebaceous gland carcinoma - an aggressive (cancerous) and uncommon skin tumor.
If a breakout occurs, doctors recommend that pimples be treated promptly to prevent the risk developing severe acne. There is also the danger that untreated severe acne may result in visible scars on the skin.
Causes of pimples / zits
The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, exist inside the pores of our skin. The outer layers of our skin are being shed continuously. Sometimes, dead skin cells are left behind and get stuck together by the sticky sebum, causing a blockage in the pore. Pore blockage is more likely to occur during puberty (the process of physical changes by which a child becomes an adult capable of reproduction) as the sebaceous glands produce more sebum at this time. Where sebum and dead skin cells accumulate and block a pore, this encourages the growth of undesirable bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes - the slow-growing bacterium linked to acne. Propionibacterium acnes generally exists harmlessly on our skin; however, when the conditions are right, it can reproduce more rapidly and become a problem. The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response, leading to skin inflammation and spots. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine identified two unique strains of P. acnes in the skin of 20% of people with pimples, while those with healthy skin tended not to harbor these strains. The situation was reversed for another strain of P. acnes: those with pimples tended not to harbor this strain, but it was present in healthy skin. As such, it seems that particular types of bacteria determine the severity and frequency of pimples.
Pimples and acne have also been linked to yeast infections, with a group of yeasts called Malassezia thought to be the key culprit. These yeasts grow on the skin of the forehead and chest, but rarely on the sides of the face, and do not inhabit the same pores as P. acnes. As such, treatments that seek to eradicate these yeasts or P. acnes can unwittingly create ideal conditions for the other.
People prone to acne have been found to have skin that is especially sensitive to normal blood levels of testosterone - a natural hormone found in both males and females. In such people, testosterone can trigger the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum, increasing the likelihood of clogged pores.
Despite being related to bacterial infection, pimples are not contagious. You cannot catch pimples from another person.
Researchers from New York University reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that dairy products and high glycemic index foods are linked to pimples. The researchers found that people who eat a lot of high glycemic index foods and dairy products are more likely to have acne. They also suggested that using medical nutrition therapy may help in the treatment of acne.
In addition to following a low-Glycemic Index, dairy-free diet, it is also helpful to ensure a good intake of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Despite pimples being caused by blocked pores due to excess sebum production, fat-free or very low-fat diets are not recommended for acne as too little fat in the diet can actually dry out the skin and prompt the body to ramp up sebum production.
A good intake of fats from nuts, seeds, and olive oil appears to help by keeping inflammation in check; supporting the body in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels; and maintaining good skin moisture levels so as to provide an effective barrier and immune response to prevent bacterial infection.
Having pimples or acne can be hereditary.
Symptoms of pimples
There are several different types of pimples and they have different signs and symptoms:
  • Whiteheads - also known as a closed comedo. These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules.
  • Blackheads - also known as an open comedo. These are clearly visible on the surface of the skin and are black or dark brown due to the oxidation of melanin, the skin's pigment. Some people mistakenly believe they are caused by dirt, because of their color, and scrub their faces vigorously - this does not help and may irritate the skin and cause other problems.
  • Papules - these are small, solid, rounded bumps that rise from the skin. The bumps are often pink.
  • Pustules - these are pimples full of pus. They are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base is red and the pus is on the top.
  • Nodules - these are morphologically similar (similar structure) to papules, but larger. They can be painful and are embedded deep in the skin.
  • Cysts - these are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are filled with pus and are usually painful. Cysts commonly cause scars.
Diagram of the different types of pimples

How common are pimples (acne)?
Acne is the most common skin condition in adolescents. According to a review in the British Medical Journal:
  • More than 80% of teenagers get acne at some point.
  • A community sample of 14 to 16 year-olds in the United Kingdom revealed that acne affected 50% of them.
  • A sample study of adolescents in New Zealand found acne was present in 91% of boys and 79% of girls.
  • A sample study of adolescents in Portugal found that the average prevalence of acne (in both sexes) was 82%.
  • 30% of teenagers with acne required medical treatment because of its severity.
  • General practitioners (GPs, primary care physicians) in the UK reported that 3.1% of 13 to 25 year-old patients visited them complaining of acne.
  • The incidence of acne is similar in both adult males and females.
  • Doctors report that acne appears to peak at 17 years of age.
  • Acne incidence (presence, occurrence) in adults is increasing, doctors report. We do not know why.